Hello, I'm Tahneet Kanwal

A frontend developer with a love for crafting stunning websites and a strong enthusiasm for mobile application development.I'm excited to showcase my project and share my journey with you.

Enjoy Your Visit!

About Me

I'm Tahneet kanwal based in India. I'm a passionate frontend developer with hands-on experience in building innovative and scalable web applications. Additionally, I have a strong enthusiasm for mobile application development, particularly with React Native.

My educational background includes a Bachelor of Technology (BTech) degree in Information Technology from University College of Engineering and Technology, Hazaribag,Jharkhand.

My skills include proficiency in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Redux, Tailwind CSS, PHP, React Native,Firebase, SQL, Android Studio, Github, Visual Studio Code, Netlify, and Vercel.

I have completed various projects, includinga Laundry App, React Admin Dashboard, and HealthCare App,which not only demonstrate my technical expertise but also showcase my strong attention to detail. I am dedicated to delivering high-quality solutions and crafting visually appealing and interactive user interfaces, not only for web applications but also for mobile applications. which demonstrate my technical expertise and attention to detail.

As a frontend developer passionate about mobile application development, I am always eager to learn and explore the latest advancements in both web and mobile technologies. My ultimate goal is to create exceptional web and mobile experiences that make a positive impact on users and contribute to the ever-evolving world of software development.

In addition to my cherished technical expertise, my heart finds comfort in the graceful company of cats🐈‍⬛, while my mind embarks on captivating journeys through the enchanting pages of novels.


Check out some of my work right here

My Portfolio

Tech Stack : Reactjs, Tailwind Css, Framer-motion

React Admin Dashboard

Tech Stack : React, Tailwind Css, React-Icons

DigiHealth Care

Tech Stack : Java, XML, and Android Studio

WashWish-A Laundry App

Tech Stack : React Native, Firebase

Job Portal

Tech Stack : HTML, CSS, PHP, SQL


These are the technologies I've worked with









React Native





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With ♡ by Tahneet Kanwal